4 Ways to Avoid Breaking Up After He Admits, “I Like Someone Else …”

4. “Oh, by the way, next week is our friend [name]’s birthday—what would be a good present for them?”

Stay positive and open-minded, and then redirect the conversation to someone who is a friend to both of you. By talking about someone you both know, you can remind him of the network the two of you have built together. This can help him see things as they really are and help him cool off from his sudden crush.

Instead of these four ideas, you could of course say, “So, that means you don’t like me anymore,” or, “So, you like her now. Whatever.” The word “like” has become almost a taboo word in modern relationships. If a man states his feelings honestly and hears only an impulsive “Well then, let’s break up!” in response, he feels responsible for creating that tension, and may even go out of his way to make your exclamation a reality.