6 Things That Will Make Your Boyfriend Worry That Being on the Internet May Be More Important Than Being with Him

The internet offers all kinds of wonderful services and fun ways to pass the time. On the other hand, when a girl spends too much time on the web, it can make her boyfriend worry that the internet is more important to her than he is. Gradually, his feelings for her can fade, eventually leading to the possibility of a breakup. So what are some of the things that can make a man feel this way? Here, we bring you six things that will make your boyfriend worry that being on the internet may be more important to you than being with him.

1. He can tell what time you wake up, eat, get home, and go to sleep by looking at your Twitter account

In this pattern of behavior, anyone can determine your basic lifestyle rhythms not through your emails but via Twitter. Because you are sharing this information with lots of people other than your boyfriend, it can make him feel insignificant and even lonely. To keep him engaged in the relationship, try sending him a goodnight email before posting to Twitter.