Ways to Encourage Your Boyfriend if He’s Screwed Up at Work

If your boyfriend is feeling bad about a mistake he made at work, a few words of encouragement from his loving girlfriend will make him think, “I can do this,” and get him back on his feet. So, what kinds of things can you say to lift your guy’s spirits? In this article, based on a survey carried out among guys, we present 9 Ways to Encourage Your Boyfriend if He’s Screwed Up at Work.

1. Offer him a hot coffee and sympathy: “You just need to do your best next time”

“I was soothed by the fact that she just spoke to me kindly, and didn’t go on and on about my mistake.” Instead of prodding and poking and trying to find out what happened, you can make your boyfriend feel better by offering simple words of support. Between your warm words and the hot coffee, he should cheer right up.