“She’s Perfect for a Bit of Fun on the Side…” 9 Traits of Women who Guys Keep Around as Their Backup Plan

He never asks you to be his girlfriend, but he still gives you a call once in a while and you meet up. Women who end up as someone’s backup plan have plenty in common. This time, we surveyed guys to introduce “‘She’s Perfect for a Bit of Fun on the Side…’ 9 Traits of Women Who Guys Keep Around as Their Backup Plan.”

1. She’s generally bubbly, always happy and excited

“She’s the first person I reach out to when I want to party, but I wouldn’t talk to her about serious things.” Guys find bubbly women easy to talk to; however, this does not mean that he sees you as an important person in his life. If you want to be more than just his “backup plan,” ask him for his advice here and there and show him that you can also be serious.