9 Red Flags that Make Him Run for Cover

9. Gets jealous of his female coworkers: “So, what’s her name?”

“If she gets jealous even of my coworkers, there is not much more that can be done for her.” A degree of jealousy is natural, but overdoing it can be greatly troubling to any reasonable boyfriend. She should be able to contain herself and hold back on interrogating him, both in the case of female coworkers, and in regard to female friends on social media as well.

Men should be careful of red flags, like statements that are obviously made from a place of extreme jealously, a need to be controlling, or a perpetual sense of anxiety. Early in a new relationship, when the couple still doesn’t know each other well, they tend to hold back and censor themselves. For that exact reason, take care to try to understand the real meaning behind our new companion’s statements.