“I’m not sure if she’s interested…” 5 Characteristics That Deter Men from Asking You Out

Have you ever been asked why men are not lining up to take you out despite your gorgeous looks and charming persona? If so, there’s a good chance that you may be too intimidating and are scaring them away without realizing it. We surveyed several young, single men and asked them if they ever hesitated to ask an attractive woman out because of what she did or didn’t do. Here’s what they said.

1. You avoid meeting eye to eye with men.

“When she’s obviously avoiding looking at me, I feel deflated thinking that she has no interest whatsoever in me,” says a young man in his late teens. This shows how important eye contact is. You don’t need to stare at everyone (or you will be misconstrued), but at least try to send a signal with your eyes to that special someone.