8 Moments when You Realize that Your Feelings for Your Boyfriend Have Cooled

You love him, you always want to be together, and thinking about him makes you happy. You were so deeply and happily in love, but are you familiar with that sensation when you suddenly think, “Wait a minute”? And then you are confronted with your true, honest feelings. So here, we bring you “Moments when You Realize that Your Feelings for Your Boyfriend Have Cooled.”

1. The moment you remember that you’ve forgotten to reply to your boyfriend’s email

When you were crazy in love with him, it made you so happy to get an email from him, that you always replied immediately. Now you find yourself putting off replies, and sometimes forgetting to reply altogether. You might make excuses. “Sorry, I was busy…” But it’s not uncommon for women to suddenly realize, “Wait a minute – maybe my feelings for him have cooled down.”