9 Times When She Admits, “It Was My Fault, I Deserved to be Dumped”

Occasionally a woman will find her boyfriend breaking up with her, when she thought everything was peachy. Many factors can contribute to a breakup, and many women are able to look back on the relationship and learn from their mistakes before heading into the next. We compiled the results from a survey of 268 single women in their 20s and 30s to bring you “9 Times When She Admits, ‘It Was My Fault, I Deserved to be Dumped.’”

1. Not talking with her boyfriend about her problems; never being able to show weakness

“I was always trying to appear tough, in a weird way.” Many women regret putting on too much of a show of being strong in front of their boyfriend. Letting your boyfriend dote on you when you are down and letting him see you even when you are at your worst will bring out his caring nature and strengthen your relationship.